By: Sadisha E.
Have you ever felt your heart racing while you merely stood
in place? Or the muscles in your upper back are all in knots? Depending on the severity of it you may even
feel as if you’re going to throw up. When it has gone on long enough you may
notices hair loss. Any time you can’t sleep for more than a week it could be
that you are unable to let your mind rest.
Insomnia will put you into a depressed state. You will soon become cranky. In women your period may skip a month or you’ll
start spotting. Allergies will become activated easily. These symptoms are potentially hazardous if
you have high blood pressure as well. These are stress symptoms. Stress can have
unpleasant side effects on your body. Basically stress turns your own body
against you! Have hope; relief and
preventative measures are available to you all.
Drink Ginseng to re-energize.
Keep in mind your whole body will feel completely drained. Coffee is like putting a Band-Aid on bridge.
It simply won’t hold. As a matter of fact coffee will worsen the effects. Not
to mention it dehydrates you. Once the caffeine wears off you will feel bad.
Lavender and chamomile is also an alternative drink. Tea will
have a calming effect. Plus the scent from these two items provides
aromatherapy. Also try inhaling lemon, cinnamon, ylang ylang, jasmine, rose or
even peppermint essential oils.
Ginseng |
Make it a spa day. Rub scented oils
on your body to put you into a relaxed state of mind. For example: lemongrass,
ginger, eucalyptus and spearmint. Bath and
Body Works sell this for $16 (aromatherapy massage oil Stress Relief –
Eucalyptus Spearmint).
The Body Shop has stress relief
aids such as Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow & Body Mist $16.
Perhaps your bedroom is just not
dark enough. Try this lovely sleep mask NapForm Memory Foam Eye Mask $34.99 at
Melatonin is a great way to get a
deep sleep naturally. Melatonin won’t have you feeling groggy in the morning as
a side effect. You’ll feel refreshed! Our body produces melatonin, but stress
depletes it. GNC Melatonin 10 sells for $16.99
Vitamins B and C is good for what
ails you! Eat foods with Vitamin C such as: Broccoli, strawberries, walnuts,
apples, fish and green peppers. You’ll find Vitamin B in: Tuna, blueberries,
asparagus, cantaloupe, dried apricot, spinach, and milk.
Honey makes for a sedative while simultaneously
boosting your immune system. A Spoonful should do the trick.
Thanks for reading!!!
Thanks for reading!!!