Monday, October 15, 2012

D.I.Y. Detox

By: Sadisha E.

This is an Aloe Vera Leaf.
When detoxing you need only a little bit of Aloe. Just cut a slice. Anything bigger than that will keep you in the restroom for a long time. This is potent stuff!

     The taste of Aloe is bitter. So I make tea out of it. I dice up the Aloe slice. Add it to hot water, and honey. Mix it up and drink. After drinking this twice a day for 21 days straight I lost weight. It is designed to flush out your intestines. Best natural product for removing belly fat. My energy level increased, clothes fit better. Aloe is simply amazing! Best kept secret!

     I pay close attention to my body these days. When something seems a bit off I will question the reason. When did symptoms begin? What did I eat or drink to trigger my body to react? How can I reverse the problem? Other questions come to mind.  What makes my body happier and more comfortable? Most importantly…What am I already doing right?
     As we get sick we pump our bodies full of chemicals, etc. pills, syrups.  Most of the things we get from our doctors has some sort of side effect. Sadly those effects are generally bad. I hate most drug commercials. Side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, or even death; claimed in the commercial. Death who on earth wants that? A person told me how her spouse had an entire counter of medicines just for him.

     So I decided to research healthier ways to care for myself. My grand-parents and their parents all lived close to 100 years old each; along with several siblings. That is amazing. Back then there weren’t so many extra things added to groceries.

When I want to remove heavy metals from my body I soak in Epsom Salt for about 20-30 minutes twice a week and eat apples.
I cleanse my liver naturally by eating broccoli.  A few times a week I will drink water with lemon juice.  (Note: avoid drinking too much lemon juice because it is acidic, may damage your tooth enamel.)

Roughage such as salad and greens keep the bowels regular. In addition I will cut a very small slice of an Aloe Vera Leaf. Then add it to a beverage…usually with flavor like orange juice and drink it. You’ll find that you gain a restful sleep when your bowels aren’t backed up.
We’ve all heard how powerful Cranberry Juice is. It’s perfect for detoxing the urinary tract for women. Don’t forget it amazingly cleanses the bladder and kidneys as well.

Following these simple tricks we will assist our body in adjusting the acid-alkaline balance. Once you notice your skin is breaking out. Or you can’t sleep at night. All of a sudden you are moody. At that point you need to detox right away!
Be healthy my friends! Let me know what you think about this post. What are some of your personal experiences?

 Credits: Photo by Sadisha E.

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