Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Save Money With This Weight-Loss Secret

The Power of Safflower Oil
I wanted to lose weight in the mid-section. Recently I began to take 2 tablespoons of Safflower oil and mix it with my favorite drinks. This continued twice a day for a couple of weeks. This stuff really flushes you out. Safflower oil is the next best thing to getting a colon cleanse. And it is incredibly cheap. Purchased a bottle at Whole Foods. After the first week I noticed my stomach looked like it when down a bit. The second week was much improved. My major test was to see how my pants felt. I had room in my tummy area. Even felt more energetic.

Even Dr. Oz mentioned Safflower oil and how it will remove the toxins from your intestines. Of course I discovered this after I had already tried it on my own. Definitely better that prune juice alone.

Did you know that the majority of the weight is from digested food that just sits in your intestines? Over time the intestines just fill up and can become clogged. That is when you feel slow, sluggish, and constipated.

My mom told me back when she was a child her mother use to make the whole family stay home on the weekends. She gave them Castor oil or something to flush them out completely. This way they would be prepared for the following week healthier.

In today's society we consume an abundance of food. To make matters worse most of us either refuse or are unable to exercise. As a result stats show how most Americans are morbidly obese. Along with that burden the weight opens the flood gates to many diseases. All which can be avoided with a healthier diet and exercise and waste removal.

If you only defecate once a day or every few days you are already in trouble. Try the safflower oil or at least prune juice. Remove the waste at once. But, if you are cramping you may have taken too much. If I drink prune juice it will only be a shot a couple of times a day. That way I'll have no emergencies if you know what I mean.

Reduce the weight + less chance of getting disease = $$$ saved not have to pay for high priced monthly prescriptions. Save, save, save.

Note: Sweating is good. It is how your body cleans itself from the inside out. It is pertinent to our survival. Periodically while in the bath gently scrub your entire body with sugar. Remove the dead skin cells so your skin can breathe properly.

Let me know what you think of this story. Please tell me of your experiences!

Thanks for taking time to read my blog! :)

Photo Credit: Sadisha E.

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