Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to Survive Your Cold

By: Sadisha E.
Hand Sanitizer

 It helps to keep hand sanitizer and even Clorox Wipes nearby. Use these to combat the spread of germs throughout.  Of course it is impossible to destroy all of the germs. However, you have some options. Merely wiping down door handles, facet handles is a great start. Periodically use the hand sanitizer on your hands. Don’t neglect to wipe anything you touch: anything with knobs, keyboards, electronic devices, and switches.

Every couple of days you should change your pillow cases. It will become a breeding playground for microorganisms. If it is in your budget wash those comforters and sheets at least once during your illness. Repeat at the end of the cold as well!
Create a healthier environment to get well in.  Best bet would be to minimize spreading the cold. The last thing anyone wants is to finally get better. Then catch the same cold from their family. By the way would have been your fault they caught it in the first place.

Most importantly blow your nose to remove the mucus.  Keep  a disposable bag near you to toss out used tissues. Then tie it up and throw away. Drink tea and add honey and lemon juice. The 2 are natural antiseptics. These will heal you from the inside and build up your immunity. Flush it out by staying hydrated. Rest as much as you can. The more sleep you get the faster you’ll recover. Stay home for a few days if possible.
I can’t stress it enough: drink plenty of clear fluids. Eat soup; the steam will help you breathe better. Or simply let the shower steam and inhale deeply until you get out. You can even soak for 20 minutes in a tub and add Epsom Salt to the water. Epsom is designed to remove toxins from your body. Simultaneously the soak will help your skin absorb much needed magnesium. Did I mention this soak will also relieve aches and pains?
In the event you develop a sore throat gargle with salt water. The iodine is also an antiseptic which kills germs.
Keep a vaporizer in the room to moisturize the air you breathe. Mist loosens congestion by making the mucus thinner.

Prepare for future colds: (keep handy) cold medicine, vaporizer, tissue, small plasic bags, hand sanitizer, Chlorox Wipes or disinfectiant spray, Epsom Salt, Honey, Tea, Soup, Orange juice or Vitamin C, and salt.
If you have read this I hope it puts you on the path to a speedy recovery! Get well soon!

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Natural Remedies Made Easy

By: Sadisha E.

When in a pinch use only baking soda to brush your teeth. The gritty texture removes the food particles. At the same time it polishes your enamel. Plus baking soda removes odors as well.

I used 4 teaspoons of basil to freshen my breath. I mixed it in a glass of water, and swished. Treat this mixture like regular mouthwash which you wouldn't swallow.

The same maybe done with any of the following: mint leaves, thyme, parsley or even fennel seeds.

Originally I thought the basil wouldn't work because it has a musky odor.

Mix a tablespoon of either salt or sugar with olive oil. Scrub your hands to make them incredibly soft.

Next create your own cuticle/nail oil. Simply use 1 Vitamin E capsule. 1 teaspoon each of almond and jojoba oil. Massage your nail areas.

Jojoba Oil

After a enjoying time in the swimming pool you have to get the chlorine out of your hair. Mix 1/4 lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda with your shampoo.

Hair gel can be made with a teaspoon of gelatin and 1 cup of water. You can ad almond oil extract for scent.

Hope my tips today were helpful to you! Let me know how I'm doing!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Stress, Things Aren't Working Well Between Us. So, I'm Breaking Up with You!

By: Sadisha E.
Have you ever felt your heart racing while you merely stood in place? Or the muscles in your upper back are all in knots?  Depending on the severity of it you may even feel as if you’re going to throw up. When it has gone on long enough you may notices hair loss. Any time you can’t sleep for more than a week it could be that you are unable to let your mind rest.  Insomnia will put you into a depressed state. You will soon become cranky.  In women your period may skip a month or you’ll start spotting. Allergies will become activated easily.  These symptoms are potentially hazardous if you have high blood pressure as well.  These are stress symptoms. Stress can have unpleasant side effects on your body. Basically stress turns your own body against you!  Have hope; relief and preventative measures are available to you all.
Drink Ginseng to re-energize.  Keep in mind your whole body will feel completely drained.  Coffee is like putting a Band-Aid on bridge. It simply won’t hold. As a matter of fact coffee will worsen the effects. Not to mention it dehydrates you. Once the caffeine wears off you will feel bad.

 Lavender and chamomile is also an alternative drink. Tea will have a calming effect. Plus the scent from these two items provides aromatherapy. Also try inhaling lemon, cinnamon, ylang ylang, jasmine, rose or even peppermint essential oils.

Make it a spa day. Rub scented oils on your body to put you into a relaxed state of mind. For example: lemongrass, ginger, eucalyptus and spearmint.   Bath and Body Works sell this for $16 (aromatherapy massage oil Stress Relief – Eucalyptus Spearmint).  http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11669903
The Body Shop has stress relief aids such as Deep Sleep Dreamy Pillow & Body Mist $16. http://www.thebodyshop-usa.com/body-products/aromatherapy/deep-sleep-dreamy-pillow-body-mist.aspx
Perhaps your bedroom is just not dark enough. Try this lovely sleep mask NapForm Memory Foam Eye Mask $34.99 at Brookstone.  http://www.brookstone.com/NapForm-Eye-Mask?bkiid=SearchResults|CategoryProductList|616730p
Melatonin is a great way to get a deep sleep naturally. Melatonin won’t have you feeling groggy in the morning as a side effect. You’ll feel refreshed! Our body produces melatonin, but stress depletes it.  GNC Melatonin 10 sells for $16.99 http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11726395
Vitamins B and C is good for what ails you! Eat foods with Vitamin C such as: Broccoli, strawberries, walnuts, apples, fish and green peppers. You’ll find Vitamin B in: Tuna, blueberries, asparagus, cantaloupe, dried apricot, spinach, and milk.
Honey makes for a sedative while simultaneously boosting your immune system. A Spoonful should do the trick.

Thanks for reading!!!





Monday, November 12, 2012

Create Your Own Natural Body Butter

Homemade Body Butter
 By: Sadisha E.

 Create your own natural body butter at home. Body Butter is great for the colder months of the year. Great to use on dry and itchy skin. Use this butter after a bath or shower for the best results. Or simply use it anytime you want to moisturize your body. Make a little for now. Perhaps make a larger batch to store in a container for later. The point of this is to promote healthy skin without spending too much.

Unrefined Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
and Avocado Oil

I used Raw Shea Butter, Avocado oil, and Jojoba Oil and Coconut Oil (Unrefined). A hand mixer was used to make it creamy. Feel free to use it right away. Store it at room temperature.

Benefits of Jojoba Oil   Improves your skin if you suffer from Eczema or Psoriasis. And even diminish stretch marks. It is also hypoallergenic.
Benefits of Avocado Oil   Helps to produce collagen, heals wounds quicker, relieves diaper rash. Offers some protection from sun burn. Moisturizer for your skin.

Benefits of Coconut Oil   Leaves your skin feeling baby soft.  Gives your skin a glowing effect. Heals skin.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20523108.  Has antioxidants and protects from free radicals.

Benefits of Shea Butter   This is great for rough elbows and heels. Softens and evens skin tone. Use Sunscreen, prevents  wrinkles and reduces them, arthritis pain relief when rubbed into the skin on affected area. Contains Vitamins F, A, and E. Used in Africa by those who workout frequently to warm-up muscles prior to exercise.

Be sure to only purchase the purest butter. The white tub of butter is raw.
Don't buy the yellow tub.

I recommend this link to make your own body butter http://naturalselectioncity.blogspot.com/2012/11/how-to-make-your-own-shea-butter-creme.html#!/2012/11/how-to-make-your-own-shea-butter-creme.html

Like on Facebook, Share and & Tweet to help me get the word out!   Thanks!!!

Photo Credits: Sadisha E.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Save Money With This Weight-Loss Secret

The Power of Safflower Oil
I wanted to lose weight in the mid-section. Recently I began to take 2 tablespoons of Safflower oil and mix it with my favorite drinks. This continued twice a day for a couple of weeks. This stuff really flushes you out. Safflower oil is the next best thing to getting a colon cleanse. And it is incredibly cheap. Purchased a bottle at Whole Foods.http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/?reloaded=true After the first week I noticed my stomach looked like it when down a bit. The second week was much improved. My major test was to see how my pants felt. I had room in my tummy area. Even felt more energetic.

Even Dr. Oz mentioned Safflower oil and how it will remove the toxins from your intestines. Of course I discovered this after I had already tried it on my own. Definitely better that prune juice alone.

Did you know that the majority of the weight is from digested food that just sits in your intestines? Over time the intestines just fill up and can become clogged. That is when you feel slow, sluggish, and constipated.

My mom told me back when she was a child her mother use to make the whole family stay home on the weekends. She gave them Castor oil or something to flush them out completely. This way they would be prepared for the following week healthier.

In today's society we consume an abundance of food. To make matters worse most of us either refuse or are unable to exercise. As a result stats show how most Americans are morbidly obese. Along with that burden the weight opens the flood gates to many diseases. All which can be avoided with a healthier diet and exercise and waste removal.

If you only defecate once a day or every few days you are already in trouble. Try the safflower oil or at least prune juice. Remove the waste at once. But, if you are cramping you may have taken too much. If I drink prune juice it will only be a shot a couple of times a day. That way I'll have no emergencies if you know what I mean.

Reduce the weight + less chance of getting disease = $$$ saved not have to pay for high priced monthly prescriptions. Save, save, save.

Note: Sweating is good. It is how your body cleans itself from the inside out. It is pertinent to our survival. Periodically while in the bath gently scrub your entire body with sugar. Remove the dead skin cells so your skin can breathe properly.

Let me know what you think of this story. Please tell me of your experiences!

Thanks for taking time to read my blog! :)

Photo Credit: Sadisha E.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Natural Remedies You Can Make From Home

The Goodness of Honey
By: Sadisha E.
Honey - Use this when you want to increase your metabolism. Honey use to be used in the wars on injured soldiers to clean wounds. It was accidentally discovered that putting it on and in a wound helps speed up the healing process. Aid your sleep by ingesting honey prior to going to bed. This product works best when it is pure honey.

Take a spoonful before bed for your metabolism.
Make a tea - 1 – 2 spoonfuls of honey added to hot water, and lemon juice.

Healing Properties – Put honey on scratch or cut a few times a day. It is an antiseptic as well. For best results clean the injury then apply honey.
Note: If your conditions worsen contact your doctor immediately. These are just benefits of honey and not formal medical prescriptions.

Coconut Oil –Whenever I want to lose weight I will make a tea. I’ll take a spoonful of the oil. Then add it to hot water and lemon juice. Usually my ritual would be conducted as soon as I awaken before my first meal. Repeat again at night. This little miracle aids in removing toxins. It also aids in relief of constipation.

Coconut Oil is known for doing wonders for kidney problems, stress relief, and increase bone strength. You’ll increase your calcium intake which is great for your teeth. For school-age children it works for Lice.
Iodine – Can be utilized to remove all kinds of toxins from your body. Some of the toxins include mercury and lead. Women in particular benefit from ingesting iodine for its reproductive assistance; especially during pregnancy. Fight off depression, and improve your energy levels.

Eggs – If you want healthy eyes eat eggs. Eggs have vitamins E and A, Riboflavin, Iron, Zinc, and protein.
I’ve also used raw eggs to benefit my body externally!

Separate the yoke from the egg whites. Stir the yoke and apply directly to your hair and leave on for 10 minutes as a natural conditioner. Then wash it out. Use egg whites on your face to make your skin tighter. Wash your face and your skin will feel healthier.

Photo Credit: Sadisha E.

Monday, October 15, 2012

D.I.Y. Detox

By: Sadisha E.

This is an Aloe Vera Leaf.
When detoxing you need only a little bit of Aloe. Just cut a slice. Anything bigger than that will keep you in the restroom for a long time. This is potent stuff!

     The taste of Aloe is bitter. So I make tea out of it. I dice up the Aloe slice. Add it to hot water, and honey. Mix it up and drink. After drinking this twice a day for 21 days straight I lost weight. It is designed to flush out your intestines. Best natural product for removing belly fat. My energy level increased, clothes fit better. Aloe is simply amazing! Best kept secret!

     I pay close attention to my body these days. When something seems a bit off I will question the reason. When did symptoms begin? What did I eat or drink to trigger my body to react? How can I reverse the problem? Other questions come to mind.  What makes my body happier and more comfortable? Most importantly…What am I already doing right?
     As we get sick we pump our bodies full of chemicals, etc. pills, syrups.  Most of the things we get from our doctors has some sort of side effect. Sadly those effects are generally bad. I hate most drug commercials. Side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, or even death; claimed in the commercial. Death who on earth wants that? A person told me how her spouse had an entire counter of medicines just for him.

     So I decided to research healthier ways to care for myself. My grand-parents and their parents all lived close to 100 years old each; along with several siblings. That is amazing. Back then there weren’t so many extra things added to groceries.

When I want to remove heavy metals from my body I soak in Epsom Salt for about 20-30 minutes twice a week and eat apples.
I cleanse my liver naturally by eating broccoli.  A few times a week I will drink water with lemon juice.  (Note: avoid drinking too much lemon juice because it is acidic, may damage your tooth enamel.)

Roughage such as salad and greens keep the bowels regular. In addition I will cut a very small slice of an Aloe Vera Leaf. Then add it to a beverage…usually with flavor like orange juice and drink it. You’ll find that you gain a restful sleep when your bowels aren’t backed up.
We’ve all heard how powerful Cranberry Juice is. It’s perfect for detoxing the urinary tract for women. Don’t forget it amazingly cleanses the bladder and kidneys as well.

Following these simple tricks we will assist our body in adjusting the acid-alkaline balance. Once you notice your skin is breaking out. Or you can’t sleep at night. All of a sudden you are moody. At that point you need to detox right away!
Be healthy my friends! Let me know what you think about this post. What are some of your personal experiences?

 Credits: Photo by Sadisha E.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Revitalize Your Body Inside and Out

By: Sadisha E.
Epsom Salt Usages

          Earlier during the week my skin felt different to me. Dry would be the best way to describe the texture of my skin. I soaked in the bath and when I came out my skin still lacked something. So the next evening I soaked again. This time I prepared a batch of scrubbing sugar.  I mixed a little extra virgin olive oil with enough sugar to use all over my body. My batch was prepared as the tub filled.  Later I added a cup of Epsom Salt and a few drops of Lemon Oil.  If you are wondering why lemon…the scent lifts my mood.

 The Epsom drains the toxins and heavy metals from your body. It relaxes and soothes you to the core. Deeper sleep is generally achieved after use in addition to relieve from aches and pains.
 25 minutes into my soak I began to apply the sugar mixture to my skin. Starting with my feet I rubbed in a circular motion.  This method allows your body to remove excess layers of dead skin cells that just sit on top of your skin. Over time we always shed our skin. However, most people apply topical lotions, oils, and creams to skin. Look at it as if you were brushing your teeth. We want to remove the plaque buildup. The same goes for your skin. Exfoliation assists in bringing your newer skin to the surface so it can breathe.
If you don’t believe me try it for yourself. Exfoliate one side of your body. For example: your arm and hand.  Once you rinse feel the difference between your right and left arm.  Your exfoliated side will feel softer. I’ve also used coconut oil in the place of olive oil. My skin felt like a newborn afterwards. Removing dead skin cells improves your circulation. I definitely felt invigorated.
One of the rewards for utilizing the oil is there is no need to apply anything else to your skin. You can proceed with the day knowing your skin won’t feel dry, flaky or tight.

RESULT: On the following day I applied either lotion or coconut oil to my skin. This time there was improved absorption. My skin remained so supple for days.
This method may also be used to alleviate dry chapped lips. Apply to lips and rinse. You lips will immediately become smoother. NOTE: if your lips are cracked only use sugar. As you know salt will burn!

We can’t always afford to visit a spa. But, we can manage to pamper ourselves at home. Do it yourself for a fraction of the cost. An added benefit will be the money you saved which can go towards something you wanted to buy.  For example a new pair of shoes or an outfit!  J
Step 1: Fill the tub and add 1 cup of Epsom Salt (including a scent is optional)
Step 2: Prepare the bowl of sugar or salt and add extra virgin olive oil (or oil of your choice)

Step 3: Soak for 25 minutes, use 5 more minutes for exfoliation, and rinse.

P.S. Exfoliation goes a long way more than ever during the cold weather months. Don’t neglect your skin. Your skin will look young without paying thousands of dollars.
I hope this is useful information to my readers. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments or even suggestions. I would love to hear about your experiences as well! Especially if you tried what you learned from my blog.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Remedies for Upset Stomach and Common Cold

Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice

Cold Remedy

By: Sadisha E.

I am feeling under the weather for a few days. Along the way I discovered some things about myself. Hopefully my tips will help you as well. For a couple of days I felt extremely nauseous. Yet the urge remained constant. Due to the chilly days I had a craving for hot chocolate.  Trader Joe’s sells a bitter hot chocolate power mix. This is very potent so I only used 1 spoonful of the powder. Mixed it with hot milk and drank it right away. Not only did it take the chill off my body I felt better. Throughout the day every time I felt sick I drank another cup. This trick actually worked so that I could go outside. It’s still a mystery why my stomach is so upset for days. Now I can eat and hold the food down and digest my food.
A few days into the severe upset stomach a cold developed. As the day progressed my nose began to run. Then my eyes were itchy and my chest is now congested. A friend told me to add a pinch of cayenne pepper into a hot cup of water. Not knowing what I would be in for I also added a spoonful of honey. I am aware that honey is a natural astringent inside and outside of the human body. To boost my immune system I took 1,000 mg of Vitamin C after every meal. Due to the stomach problems I really lost my appetite. Once I took the Vitamin C I became increasingly hungry suddenly.  This drink is spicy!

Result: the mixture opened up my sinuses and relieved my chest congestion.  Breathing is no longer a difficult task for me this evening.
My body felt wiped out from the illness. Soaking in Epsom Salt for 30 minutes in hot water felt invigorating. Magnesium is soaked in through our skin as we bath. Simultaneously removing built up toxins in our body. Thus, allowing the body to absorb nutrients internally easier. Achy joints were relieved by adding Tea Tree Oil (Trader Joe’s). For the first time in days I have been able to sleep thru the night.

The tried and true include: lemon and honey added to tea. This neat little trick not only hydrates; it's also an antiseptic for your throat.

Note: I tried the hot chocolate with water only at first and I felt better. Replacing the hot water with milk made all the difference in the world. My results had actually improved.

Step 1:  Hot Chocolate + Milk + 3 spoons of sugar = (drink)   Fix Upset Stomach
Step 2: Cayenne Pepper (pinch) + honey + Hot water = (drink)   Clear up Stuffy Nose

Step 3: Soak in Epsom Salt Bath for 30 minutes + 3 or 4 drops of Tea Tree Oil = Eliminates aches and pains

Warning: Cayenne pepper may cause you to sneeze and cough a little. Sip it slowly.

Photo Credits: Sadisha E.

Thanks for reading!!!